Young and Old…
Who is Ocean Farm for? I have been coming to the farm for 38 years (I own it) and can say that bringing kids to the farm is lovely, but not without challenges.

Winter 2022
As a child / young adult, I had the absolute privilege of spending many days outside. And not outside in the park or outside in the suburbs, but properly outside. With mud and rocks and grass under my feet

Lock it in…
Obsessive and compulsive viewing for us. That is each day’s “numbers” press conference held by the NSW State Government. Today’s headline - 35…not great…but the powers seem confident enough that the restrictions will be lifted on schedule.

Wonderful guests
What a winter! We have had some wonderful guests who I know have enjoyed themselves and share a little bit from their trip on social media or write to us after their stay. It is all super appreciated and long may it continue